After a successful APA it was time to try an IPA again after seeing the great result from controlling the fermenting temperature. Was I up for the task?
Well in short, yes. I was actually relieved tasting this IPA full of fresh hops. After the previous failure (well, maybe not a failure but not a success either) I questioned everything I do as a brewer, what did I need to improve to make a good IPA?
One might say everything, and I would agree, but controlling the temperature sure did wonders. For some beers it’s more evident than others and for IPAs it can be as clear as night and day. I’ll continue to ferment every style I make in my fridge, even though it might not always be necessary but controlling and knowing more in the making process is only positives.
The beer itself was very tasty but actually simple. I used Magnum hops as bitter addition and Cascade as late addition but also in the dry hopping. I kept the malt varieties to a low as well. I’d say because of this the whole brew day went well and nothing to report really. I still need to focus not to forget anything and think about all tasks and steps to make sure that the end result is as good as it can be. If I put too much time or effort in one place, another might suffer because of it so it’s important that I keep thinking about the whole process and not just about what I did wrong the last time or something new I’m trying out.
This beer was also approved by other tasters and I think the best score was when my partner asked for another one!
- Style - American IPA
- Hops - Cascade, Magnum
- Yeast - Safale US-05
- ABV - 6.7%
- IBU - 70